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XMG Help Center
Communication with Support
Communication with Support
How can I allow XMG to access my computer for troubleshooting? (Remote Support)
I am blocked by Cloudflare when trying to access the XMG website or download portal from outside of Europe
I have sent an e-mail but have not received any reply - what might be the reason?
<% var getColumnClasses = function(numberColumns) { var classNames = numberColumns === 'auto' ? 'col-auto' : 'col-12'; if (numberColumns >= 2) classNames += ' md:col-6'; if (numberColumns >= 3) classNames += ' lg:col-4'; if (numberColumns >= 4) classNames += ' xl:col-3'; return classNames; } %>
<% blocks.forEach(function(block, index) { %>
<% if (imageHeight) { %>
<% } %>
<% if ( { %>
<% if (block.html_url) { %>
<%= %>
<% } else { %> <%= %> <% } %>
<% } %> <% if (block.description) { %>
<%= block.description %>
<% } %>
<% }) %>