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XMG Help Center
Portfolio & Specifications
Use-Case Recommendations
Use-Case Recommendations
What information does XMG need to help me make an informed laptop purchase decision?
Which XMG laptop has the longest battery life?
Which XMG or SCHENKER laptops are recommended for my specific use-case?
<% var getColumnClasses = function(numberColumns) { var classNames = numberColumns === 'auto' ? 'col-auto' : 'col-12'; if (numberColumns >= 2) classNames += ' md:col-6'; if (numberColumns >= 3) classNames += ' lg:col-4'; if (numberColumns >= 4) classNames += ' xl:col-3'; return classNames; } %>
<% blocks.forEach(function(block, index) { %>
<% if (imageHeight) { %>
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<% if (block.html_url) { %>
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<% } %> <% if (block.description) { %>
<%= block.description %>
<% } %>
<% }) %>