Which XMG laptop has the longest battery life?

Hybrid graphics

Battery runtime is a function of battery capacity and energy consumption. Laptops with hybrid graphics (NVIDIA Optimus or MSHybrid) generally have a lower energy consumption because the dedicated graphics card can turn itself off when not in use. We offer hybrid graphics solutions in all XMG laptops except those that use a desktop CPU, those being XMG APEX 15 MAX (until 2022) and XMG ULTRA 17 (until 2021).

Battery capacity

We currently offer the largest battery capacity in XMG EVO 15, XMG CORE 15, XMG FUSION 15, XMG NEO 16 and XMG NEO 17 with a capacity of 99 Watthours each.

To extend the battery life, we recommend to make sure that the dedicated graphics card (if present) is not accidentally kept awake. This can happen, for example, by background software that is automatically executed on the dedicated graphics card. A popular example of this is the Epic Game Launcher. A detailed guide on this topic is available in this FAQ article.

Battery mode reduces peak performance

Please note: high-performance laptops are generally not able provide their maximum performance in battery mode during intensive computing use (gaming, rendering). The dedicated GPU in particular is throttled considerably in battery mode to conserve battery health. Gaming in battery mode is theoretically possible, but will play much better when running on the integrated graphics. This is especially true for laptops with AMD Ryzen and Intel Core from 11th Gen, as these generations have comparatively powerful and highly efficient integrated graphics units. To set whether a program is run on the integrated or dedicated graphics card, Windows 10 has provided its own Options menu since around 2019: Windows Graphics Settings. The similar settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel are since obsolete and without effect. More information on this is available in this FAQ article: How can I set a program or game to run on either the iGPU or the dGPU?