My power button does not work in Windows (unless I hold it for a very long time)


The power button can be configured in Windows to perform one of the following actions:

  • Sleep (Standby), configured by default
  • Hibernate
  • Shut down
  • Do nothing

Take a look at this screenshot to see where those options are located in Windows.

If you find that your power button is able to power on your laptop, but not able to perform any of those actions once booted to Windows, it is probably due to one of these two root causes:

Some models will only trigger the power button if you hold it for 1 second.

This is a feature on these products:


Reason: those models have the power button integrated right into the top-right corner of the keyboard. In the case of VIA 14 Pro and VISION 14, the power button is located right next to the delete key. In order to avoid accidental Shutdown or Standby, those systems will only react to the power button once it has been held for 1 second. This rule is implemented in the EC firmware and only applies when the laptop is already powered on. If you press the power button to boot the laptop while being powered off, the expected press duration is less than half a second.

This is not to be confused with the "hard shutdown" rule of holding the power button for over 5 seconds.

Let's reiterate for those 3 models:

  • Short (accidental) press: no action
  • 1 second press: action as configured in Windows
  • 5 or more second press: hard/sudden shutdown

Some models need the "HID filter" driver for power button functionality.

Some laptops require the "HID filter" driver to be installed in order to be able to react to power button action in Windows. "HID" stands for "Human Interface Device" and may be responsible for various Fn hotkeys and other inputs. The HID filter driver is part of the laptop's general driver package. Please install the driver, reboot and test your power button again. Related article: Do I need *all* drivers or is it enough to just install the most essential ones?